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The number Two is the manifestation of Duality that has been inherently expressed within our world. This duality is a part of every aspect of life itself — day and night, black and white, good and bad, negative and positive. Duality is an integral part of the world we live in. Today, let us discover how this built-in Duality is also an important aspect of Tarot Card imagery.

One is an important point of focus that, as a single point, essentially doesn’t mean much without something to compare it with. Thus another point of focus becomes essential, bringing in the much-needed energies of opposition and comparison, opening up the possibilities of choice. The number Two is thus expressed as a Line, that connects two points. Here are the ways in which the number Two becomes very important in the numerical journey.

The Meanings of Two

A single manifested principle, by itself, carries many meanings. However, just by itself, that manifested energy will remain static and will keep frustrating itself. There then, arises the need of another point — where this energy can perhaps move, or compare itself with. These two points connect with each other, forming a straight line, and thus the energy moves! As it moves, the energies complement each other, oppose each other, and bring in the energies of conflict and partnership all at the same time. This process starts to open up the various potentials and possibilities within themselves. Now the energy has a choice.

This energy, as it moves between the two points, transforms into a space that facilitates becoming. This energy of duality is therefore associated with feelings and is said to be receptive, and passive as well. This energy is considered to be feminine in nature and connected to the Moon.

Geometrically, the number One can be shown as a point. So Two is defined as a line that connects two points — with a beginning and an end. This brings the factor of time into the equation.

One is more action-oriented and therefore manifests outwardly, Two is more feelings-oriented and therefore manifests inwardly.

The Number Two in the Tarot Cards

The number Two has been attached to a few Tarot Cards. These are not just the cards where the number Two appears by itself, but also cards whose numbers add up to the number Two via the Numerological process of addition and reduction.

The Number Two in the Major Arcana

Let’s check out the Major Arcana cards with the number Two.

You will see the aspects of Duality and Opposition expressed so beautifully within the imagery elements of The High Priestess card, along with the association with the Moon. The main figure, the Priestess, is seated between two pillars — one white and one black. These represent the opposing forces that exist within Life itself — and seated between them, our Priestess seems to have found the perfect balance between these two opposites. Upon her crown, is the image of the Moon and Her waning and waxing aspects as well. And a crescent moon lies at her feet. Behind her is a veil, and partially hidden by that veil is a water body. Water is often associated with feelings, and with the Moon as well.

The imagery of the Justice card beautifully represents Duality as well as Choice. While the Goddess in the Justice card does sit between two pillars, they aren’t distinguishable from each other. Rather, it is what She holds in her two hands that is important in this image: in one hand she holds a pair of scales (again, a pair, implying duality), and in the other hand, she holds aloft a sword. The pair of scales bring in the concept of balance between two sides — and this is a process that requires thinking, weighing in options. The other side of this equation is the sword that is ready to take the necessary action. As soon as the choices are made, and the right option is chosen, the sword will come into play and implement them, act upon them.

The number Two is also combined with the powerful energy of the number Zero in the Judgement card. So while duality of opposition exists in a very receptive space,  choices and decisions bring about a moment of clarity to the characters in this card image. They hear the important ‘wake-up call’ and rise from their graves — long, often painful Karmic cycles will finally find a resolution. Add to it the endless possibilities evoked by the number Zero, and you are brought up to a place in the Karmic journey, where you can literally choose your next cycle, your next life-lesson.

Now, let’s see how the number Two is expressed in the Minor Arcana cards.

The Number Two in the Minor Arcana

Here are the Minor Arcana cards from each Suit that have the number Two on them.

Duality. Connection. Choices. Comparison. Expression. All of these are depicted so wonderfully on these Minor Arcana Tarot Cards!

In the 2 of Wands, our character is looking out to the world, exploring his options and deciding what to do next. He compares his current life to the life he desires. He expresses to himself that he wants more than what he has, and chooses the path he wants to follow after comparing his options. In the 2 of Cups, the two characters in the card image connect with each other, express and share their feelings with each other, and choose to be with each other. In the 2 of Swords, our character examines her options intuitively. She needs to make her choice, but she does not want to hurt herself in the process. However, that seems to be inevitable in the scheme of things. She is either unable to see what lies ahead, or she is deliberately choosing not to see it. So whatever choices she ends up making, she will find that she experiences some pain. In the 2 of Pentacles, our character juggles two Pentacles — two sources of income, or two different resources, so that he may accomplish his goals. He expresses his dissatisfaction with having to do this, with his glum expressions and his clown-like appearance.

The Number Two in the Tarot Cards: Putting it Together

So now, let’s summarize how the number Two has shown up across the different Major and Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot:

  • The High Priestess: Balance, Feelings, Intuition, Inner Wisdom
  • Justice: Balanced Decisions, Balanced Choices, Acting upon Choices & Decisions
  • Judgement: Wake Up Call – awakening one to one’s path, Freedom from Karmic Cycles, Choosing one’s next Cycle
  • 2 of Wands: Deciding to explore one’s options
  • 2 of Cups: Choosing to connect and express feelings with one another
  • 2 of Swords: Making an intuitive choice
  • 2 of Pentacles: Juggling resources and/or incomes

This way, we see how the inherent qualities of the number Two have shown themselves across the Major & Minor Arcana cards within the Tarot Card Deck — of course, with each Suit adding it’s own special flavor to the mix.

Your Turn:

What do you think? What are your ideas, opinions, theories about the number Two? Did I miss something? Or do you have something additional to add to this story? Drop me a line in the Comments section below, and we can talk about it. Don’t think too much — just make your choice and act upon it! ?