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The number Six brings all the previous numbers into harmony, and above all else, becomes self conscious. The energetic changes created by the number Five and the numbers before it, are finally settled into a manner that can be comprehended and systematically understood. Six balances all of the energies. Let’s see how the number Six shows up across the Tarot Cards.

Merkabah - Six in the Tarot CardsThe number Six is often depicted as a Six-Pointed Star, a fusion of two triangles. The upward pointing triangle symbolizes masculine energy, and the downward pointing triangle symbolizes feminine energy. Together, they combine to create a Six-Pointed Star. This is also commonly known as the Star of David. As a solid structure, it is also depicted in a form commonly known as a Merkabah.

The Meanings of the Number Six

Six is the energy of harmony. As the masculine and feminine energy combine, they unite and harmonize. Six, therefore, is also the number of romance, home, and family. It brings all the energies from previous numbers into a state of awareness — makes them conscious. On one’s spiritual journey, this is the point where one asks: “Who am I?” At this point, usually one would answer: “I am the body” but that is not completely true. Six thus brings in the important attribute of discrimination, helping one to decide the truth of a situation. Six then becomes a higher level of intellect, and inspiration. The imaginative abilities of Six also include the ability of intuition.

Pythagoreans consider Six to be the perfect number since it is equal to the sum of all its divisors: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Biblical creation myths state that the world was created in Six days – another reason why the number Six is said to represent perfection.

In the Kabbala, Six represents a place where all that has happened in the prior numbers comes together, unites and harmonizes. It is here that the limitless nothingness of Zero joins with the singular focus of One, and the energy of connection, comparison, and duality of Two. This then merges with the with creative energies of Three, and the stabilizing structure of Four which then gives rise to the disruption and change of the Five. Now you have pure energy just moving forward to the Six, where it consciously harmonizes and balances itself.

From the nothingness of Zero, emerged the Singular Point of One, the connecting Line of Two, which led to the creative Triangle of Three, which then generated the structured Square of Four that got disrupted by the Five-Pointed Star of the Five. In the Six, this transforms into the Six-Pointed Star, merging the two Triangles of Masculine and Feminine energy, giving the creative energies not just structure, but also the ability to move and manifest into conscious awareness.

The Number Six in the Tarot Cards

Let’s look at the Tarot Cards where the number Six shows up, both directly and indirectly as a sum of the digits on that card.

The Number Six in the Major Arcana

Here are the Major Arcana cards associated with the number Six.

The Lovers is a card that talks about Love and Relationships. Here we see the Biblical couple, Adam and Eve, being blessed by the Angel Raphael. Their union, their love, and their harmonious, loving relationship are the focal point of the card image. They represent the union of the male and the female energies, both within and without, that receive Divine Blessings. Their love becomes a basis of romance and ultimately, the creation of their family. They are also consciously aware of the role they play in the process of uniting the masculine and feminine energies, and they facilitate this process joyfully and willingly.

The Devil card shows the same couple, a few cards later in the Major Arcana journey – and now they are in a totally different environment! Now they are chained to their desires, and they are surrounded by a darkness of their own choosing. Over here, instead of an Angel, a creature that represents their own fears and darker desires continually stokes the fires of their desires. Now they have become the darker, more materialistic-minded versions of themselves. Perhaps, even their shadow selves have found a connection with each other – tying themselves to each other and to their own wants – nevertheless, remaining together. Here, the couple has lost touch with the awareness of the role they play in the process of creation. They are lost to their Divine Purpose, and are simply fulfilling their base basic desires, giving in to the passions of the moment.

The Number Six in the Minor Arcana

Let’s see what the Minor Arcana cards associated with the number Six tell us about the energy of the number Six manifesting in the everyday, mundane world.

Harmonizing the chaotic forces and leading them to success. Romanticizing the past, and being nostalgic about old relationships. Transitioning to a place of mental and emotional equanimity. Creating and living a balance between giving and receiving. The Sixes of the Minor Arcana are the cards that bring an energy that effortlessly combines stability with transitions and movement – for all the elements.

In the 6 of Wands, the leader of the group rides upon a horse, using his higher perspective to unite and direct the passions of the people he leads. He manages to harmonize all their disparate passions and gets them to work together for their common goal. In the 6 of Cups, we see how the nostalgic romanticizing of the past can be a source of strength and also an escape from reality. Emotions harmonize and flower, but they also create yearnings, and we ignore the nagging negatives from that long-gone past. In the 6 of Swords, we get on a boat, with all our responsibilities and baggage, in the desire to find a spot where we can figure things out. But it is tough to traverse the flowing emotions – one tries to use intellect and logic to make sense of them. In the 6 of Pentacles, one is in a place to help others, but wisely, not at the cost of one’s own stability. Balance is maintained – only that which can be given away wisely is shared. In this way, one retains one’s position while also serving others.The Sixes balance and harmonize but use discretionary abilities to do so. They simply look for better ways to do all the things that come within the realm of their element.

The Number Six in the Tarot: Summary

Putting it all together, here’s the summary of the energy of the number Six in the Tarot Cards:

  • The Lovers: Love, Harmony, Unity, Relationships, Divine Purpose
  • The Devil: Chained to Desires, Materialistic, Base Desires
  • 6 of Wands: Leadership, Success, Harmonizing Passions
  • 6 of Cups: Nostalgia, Romanticizing, Yearning
  • 6 of Swords: Transition, Balance between Emotions and Intellect
  • 6 of Pentacles: Balance between Giving and Receiving, Discretion, Service

Six finally brought a much needed sense of discretion and awareness to the energies, while also stabilizing and harmonizing them. Now they know where they are, and what they are doing.

Your Turn

What did you think about the number Six in the Tarot? What are your ideas/interpretations for this number in the Tarot Cards? Talk to me in the comments section below!