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Romance and romantic relationships usually play a big role in our lives. Therefore, if you are keen on manifesting a romantic relationship in your life, your Tarot Cards can be the best source for help and guidance for you.

Let’s see how you can use your Tarot Cards to help you manifest a deeply fulfilling and empowering romantic relationship in your life.

Step 1: Define Romance

journalingYes. Before you go about asking for guidance, you need to be clear about what it is that you are looking for. You need to define what romance means to you.

  • Your journal can be a great space to brainstorm about this before you whittle it down to a basic bullet point list.
  • Consider the following while you journal:
    • What is Romance all about for you?
    • What does Romance mean to you?
    • How do you perceive Romance?
    • What patterns have you seen in the romantic relationships that you’ve had up until now?
      • Which of those patterns were negative, and which were positive?
      • Which patterns would you like to eliminate? Which patterns would you like to enhance?
  • Before everything else, be clear about the sort of romantic relationship you actually want to bring about within your life, and what kind of partner you want to manifest as your romantic interest.
  • You can get very detailed about this step. I’ve seen lists where clients have even jotted down the desired appearance and / or character traits of their future romantic partner.
  • Clearly define each and every aspect of these two points, so that there isn’t much room for confusion.

This process will help you understand what you want and get clear about your objectives from this exercise.

Step 2: Ask Your Cards

2 Cups - Victorian Romantic TarotThis is where it gets really interesting. Now you get to ask your cards how to go about manifesting a romantic relationship with their help. There are a number of spreads that you may find across the internet, or you can just as well make up your own. Especially if you have a very clear picture of what it is that you are looking for, then you probably know what to ask — so just ask those questions to your cards. Basically, you are looking for next steps or a path / guidance about what you can do, and how you can go about manifesting your ideal romantic relationship into your life.

The Hurdles + How to Overcome Them

Make sure also, that you get clear on the hurdles that you might potentially face in this journey. And of course, what you can do to overcome them.

The Negative Patterns + How to Overcome Them

The same process applies for the negative patterns that seem to repeat through your various romantic relationships. It really is quite an eye-opener to look at those patterns and understand how we are, unknowingly, causing the problem to a certain extent. Understanding those negative patterns, and then having a way to overcoming them is a good way to consciously make the changes in the way we approach and handle relationships in our lives.


Here’s a video of where I used the Tarot Cards to help me figure out what romance was all about for me in the here-and-now, and what steps I could take to manifest a romantic relationship in my life.

Here’s another video where I’ve helped a friend of mine figure out how to manifest a fulfilling and empowering romantic relationship in her life.

And When It Happens…

And when something that potentially fits your requirements actually manifests in your life, you can still reach out to your cards and ask for guidance. ? In short, your cards are always there for you, every step of the way.


Here’s a video where I’ve started to examine a romantic relationship with a basic 3-card spread, which I then expanded to get some more information.

Step 3: Do the Work

This is, quite obviously, a crucial part of the process. Just defining your goals and pulling a spread doesn’t cut it. You need to also do the work.

This means you need to act upon the guidance that has been given to you. Unless you do that, you won’t be able to manifest your desired romantic relationship into your life.

You need to consciously and with full awareness follow the guidance that the cards have given you. You also need to do the hard work, in order for you to reap the desired rewards.

Your Turn

Do you have any thoughts or steps that you would like to add to this process? Did you try this process for yourself? Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section, and let’s get talking!