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How do you interpret the cards when the card images differ from deck to deck? Do you stick to the card meanings from the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck, and ignore the (sometimes subtle) meaning changes in the other decks? Or do you just abandon the Rider-Waite-Smith card meanings altogether? 

Based on my own experience, I can tell you that after you get fascinated with the Tarot Cards, you will usually end up buying a number of Tarot Card Decks. And if you’ve studied with the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck, then it’s quite likely that you are going to prefer Tarot Card Decks that follow that tradition. 

Happy with your purchase, you’ll open the deck and peruse the card images, only to discover that there are some cards that don’t quite look like the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. In fact, some cards may have quite a few differences in the imagery. 

This is where the conundrum begins: do you stick to the meanings of the cards as you’ve learned based on the original Rider-Waite-Smith system, or do you follow the interpretation triggered by the card imagery? Which one is the right method? 

The short answer is: follow the card story suggested by the different imagery, and if the essence of that card image also conveys some part of the RWS interpretation, then by all means, include that part into your card story as well. 

Don’t know what the card story is all about? Click the video to find out!

Theme of the Deck

Decks in the Rider-Waite-Smith system can hail from various origins. Each Tarot Card Deck always follows a specific theme that runs through its imagery. The theme creates a framework of sorts, for the images on the cards. Naturally, the card imagery components — the symbols, the people in the cards, the environment — will follow that thematic framework. 

Example 1: The Druidcraft Tarot

For example, the Druidcraft Tarot follows the systems laid down by Druidic Traditions, and therefore the card imagery will show people who live in those traditions and follow that lifestyle. The symbols will connect with Druidic Traditions and systems. All this while, the images will also conform to the patterns set by the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck. 

Read my Review of the Druidcraft Tarot Deck

The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and The Druidcraft Tarot Deck - Imagery Differences and Similarities
The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and The Druidcraft Tarot Deck

You can see how The Fool card looks very similar in both the decks — the only differences being in the way the Fool is dressed. But that can easily be attributed to the Theme of the Deck. 

However, the 7 of Swords cards differ greatly. While the Waite-Smith imagery shows a thief making off with a bunch of Swords and laughing at his act, the Druidcraft deck shows an elderly gentleman thinking and writing, using the intellectual powers of the Swords to perhaps craft a document that requires a bit of tricky word usage. Thus, a certain essence of trickery is still conveyed, but the imagery still suggests two totally different meanings.

Example 2: The Game of Thrones Tarot 

Or, for another example, the Game of Thrones Tarot Card Deck follows the imagery and symbols from the popular HBO series, Game of Thrones. However, it also conforms to Rider-Waite-Smith patterns. 

See my Video Review and Flip Through of this lovely deck.

The Univeral Waite Tarot Card Deck and the Game of Thrones Tarot Deck - Imagery Differences and Similarities
The Univeral Waite Tarot Card Deck and the Game of Thrones Tarot Deck

As you can see in the image above, the 6 of Wands cards in both these decks depict a successful leader.

However, the imagery is very different in the 9 of Swords cards! In the Waite-Smith image, you see a young person surrounded by swords, anxious and worried, perhaps even startled awake by a nightmare. The Game of Thrones Deck card shows an imprisoned Direwolf who spends the entire time whining and upset at being thrown into this prison — conveying the meaning of being imprisoned and worried. While the energy of anxiety is common in both the cards, the meanings differ greatly. 

Artistic Interpretation

Artists have different styles of drawing. Tarot Card Decks drawn by these artists will, naturally, while adhering to the Deck Theme, also look follow the Artist’s drawing / illustration style and his interpretation of the card itself. This causes several similarities and differences in the card imagery with that of the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck.

Example 1: The Japaridze Tarot

For instance, The Japaridze Tarot is created by surrealist artist Nino Japaridze. The images follow her artistic interpretation of the card — and each card is beautiful and evocative. But then, some cards differ greatly from the Rider-Waite-Smith imagery.

Read my Review of the Japaridze Tarot Deck.

The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and The Japaridze Tarot - Imagery Differences and Similarities
The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and The Japaridze Tarot

In the above image, you can see how the 9 of Pentacles card and the 9 of Gardens in the Japaridze Tarot look very similar to each other, and also convey the same essential meaning: that of a woman who is successful, has plenty of abundance around her, and is independent in her own world. 

However, you can see that the 10 of Wands card differs greatly in imagery from the 10 of Fire card in the Japaridze Tarot. In the Waite-Smith imagery, the 10 of Wands essentially conveys the meaning of being burdened. But the 10 of Fire card shows a chess board — the image conveying an essence of political plotting and long term planning. 

Example 2: Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

Another fascinating example is the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot that has been designed and illustrated by Lana Zellner. Formerly an architect, who changed professions to become a Tattoo Artist, this entire deck follows the unique style one sees predominantly in the field of body art. She has combined the imagery styles of Tattoos and Tarot into the card images. 

See my Video Flip Through and Reviewof this deck.

The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot - Imagery Differences and Similarities
The Universal Waite Tarot Card Deck and the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

In the image above, you can easily see how the images of the 2 of Swords cards are very similar to each other. 

And then you can see how the images of The Magician cards differ greatly — not very much in meaning or essence, but in the way the symbols are depicted. Both the Magician cards show the four element symbols, but instead of ‘the’ Magician, the Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot Deck shows a hand.

So, How DO We Interpret the Imagery Differences?

As I said earlier, follow the card story suggested by the card imagery

Essentially, while the entire deck may follow the pattern set by the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck for the most part, some cards may have slight and some cards may have more differences in their imagery. However, the essence of the card’s basic energy / meaning is almost always retained. This means, you’ll likely see that some parts of the image convey a different meaning, but the rest of the imagery adheres to the Rider-Waite-Smith meaning.

So, in order to avoid any confusion, stick to the meaning suggested by the card imagery of the deck you are using for your reading. Remember, you chose that specific deck for your reading for a reason. Intuitively you felt attracted to the imagery / theme suggested by the deck. Therefore, you need to follow through on that while you interpret the card images.


Of course, I have a lovely video to share with you! Here I’m doing a side-by-side comparison of the images of the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck and the Dreaming Way Tarot Deck. 

The Dreaming Way Tarot Deck was drawn by the artist Kwon Shina who followed the instructions given by the Deck Creator, Rome Choi, who saw the card images in a dream. Therefore, the images are drawn in Kwon Shina’s beautiful style of illustration, and follow what Rome Choi saw in his dream. 

In the video, you can see the imagery differences and similarities, and how it affects the interpretations! Enjoy!

Your Thoughts…

Did you find this helpful? Did it help resolve your confusion? 

Or do you have a system to help you interpret such similar-but-different Tarot Card Decks? Or do you just ignore everything and just go by the Rider-Waite-Smith meanings?

What have been your experiences with the Tarot Card Decks that follow the Rider-Waite-Smith pattern but differ somewhat in their imagery for a few cards? 

Share your thoughts in the comments section below! I would love to hear what you have to say!