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Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer & Tom Little

Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer & Tom Little

After I wrote the entire Understanding The Court Cards Series a few weeks ago, I suddenly remembered that I had read this amazing book a few years ago, and it had inspired me a lot. So I decided to write a review of this amazing book for you guys as well. 🙂

If at all you find yourself confused about the court cards and if you really want to explore the court cards in depth, then Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary K. Greer & Tom Little is just the book you want to buy.


The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer

The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer

Tarot card reversals happen to boggle the best among us. It is often quite challenging to interpret reversed cards in readings. Plus, reversed cards, just like the cards themselves can be interpreted using different approaches. Which method is right? Which interpretation is correct?

Honestly, where the Tarot is concerned, your intuition is always your best guide for answering these questions. But if you need a book that is completely devoted to answering all your reversed card questions, then The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer is where you must turn to.


The Power To Say ‘No’

The Power To Say ‘No’

As Tarot card readers, we read the cards for people who come to us for readings. And yet, there are those times when we just don’t want to read for a particular person.

There is a nagging feeling, an inner sense, call it your intuition, but something inside of us just tells us not to read for a particular person.

What do we do then? Can we say ‘No’ to such a person?

And the answer is ‘Yes! You can say No to such a person.’

Today, lets talk about this wonderful power you have as a Tarot card reader to say ‘No’.


When Clients Don’t Believe Your Tarot Card Reading

When Clients Don’t Believe Your Tarot Card Reading

As Tarot card readers, all of us, at some point of time or the other, might have gone through a situation when your client doesn’t believe in your Tarot card reading.

As a Tarot card reader, you know you have done the best you could in that reading, and told the client the stuff you saw in the reading. And yet, the client refuses to believe you.

How do you handle such situations?

Today, lets talk about such scenarios, their causes and how you can go about handling a situation when a client doesn’t believe your Tarot card reading.


The Personality Spread

The Personality Spread

After we’ve gone through the different personalities of the court cards in the Understanding the Tarot Court series, and having checked out how to find out our personal Tarot court card(s), I think it is but natural to talk about the Personality Spread.

This Personality Spread is a Tarot reading spread that can be used to get a deeper understanding of a person, and find out more about his / her personality.


Which Court Card Are You?

Which Court Card Are You?

In our previous posts in the series Understanding The Court Cards, we’ve gone through the different court cards and their meanings etc. But then, the question that most of us still wonder about is: which court card most relates to our own personality?

Discovering which court card you are can really be a very interesting journey, believe me! And yes, it is a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness.

So how does one go about finding one’s court card? Today, I am going to talk about some of the interesting ways I have discovered my court card. Possibly, that might help you discover yours as well…


Tarot Court Cards – The Kings

Tarot Court Cards – The Kings

The Kings are right at the top of the hierarchy amongst all the Court Cards. They represent the absolute mature version of the personality in that suit. As such, they are stable and solid, and they exercise complete control over their element. On occasion, they are even capable of even directing the flow of the energies of their element.

The ideas that were conceived in the stage of the Page, acted upon in the Knight stage, nurtured and cared for in the Queen stage — these ideas have now fully developed, and are stabilized and directed towards the next level of growth and development in the King stage.

Let’s look at the different Kings amongst our Court Cards.


Tarot Court Cards – The Queens

Tarot Court Cards – The Queens

In the Court Card hierarchy, the Queens are the next step, preceded by the Knights and the Pages. The Queens represent someone who has now matured and added a healthy dose of understanding, and feminine energies of nurturing and caring to the actions that were taken.

Essentially, in the stage of the Page, the ideas were conceived, and those ideas were acted upon in the Knight stage. But now, in the Queen stage, those actions are nurtured, cared for and developed further into a sustainable scenario.

Let’s look at the different Queens in our Tarot card deck.


Tarot Court Cards – The Knights

Tarot Court Cards – The Knights

In the hierarchy of the Court Cards, the Knights come up right after the Pages. These Knights represent someone who has now matured from the child-like state of initial personality development (ie a Page), and is now a more action-oriented person. Whatever ideas and concepts took root in the Page stage are now acted upon in the Knight stage.

Let’s get to know the Knights of our Tarot Court on a much deeper level.
