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Death is The End

Death is The End

Death is the End. And it is NOT a bad thing.

My understanding of the Death card has evolved. Years of Readings and client feedback have taught me that the Death card means an Ending is unfolding. People in the Tarot world often declare the Death card to be about Transformation and Change. However, I say that the Death card is an Ending. The card hints at Changes, but those show up afterward. In The Death Card, what we experience is an ending. And that ending isn’t a bad thing at all.


How to Interpret Positive Cards in a Negative Position and Negative Cards in a Positive Position in Spread

How to Interpret Positive Cards in a Negative Position and Negative Cards in a Positive Position in Spread

When you do a Tarot Card Reading, you lay the cards in a Spread. And a Spread is made up of a number of Positions. Occasionally you’ll end up with getting positive cards in a negative spread position, and negative cards in a positive spread position. This is most probably because the cards have a wacky sense of humor. ?

Let’s see how we can make sense of these combinations, and do an excellent reading for our clients!

Making and Keeping Your New Years’ Resolutions with your Tarot Cards

Making and Keeping Your New Years’ Resolutions with your Tarot Cards

Every New Year brings with it a slew of New Years’ Resolutions. And within a few weeks or months, (and for some of us, within a few days), all those New Years’ Resolutions are long forgotten. I haven’t been immune to this phenomenon either, and there have been many a resolution that I haven’t kept. I’m sure all of you resonate too! However, over the past couple of years, some things changed for me. And when I added my Tarot Cards to the mix, then the results started to show. Today, I’m going to share my insights with you, in the hopes that perhaps you too can benefit from this process of making and keeping New Years’ Resolutions with the help of Tarot Cards. (more…)

Tarot Cards with Similar Meanings but Subtle Differences

Tarot Cards with Similar Meanings but Subtle Differences

Among the 78 Tarot Cards in a standard Tarot Card Deck, there are a few Tarot Cards that have similar or common meanings. Just as the imagery of each card differs from one another, these meanings carry subtle but important differences within them that affect the interpretation of that Tarot Card in a Tarot Card Reading.


Romance in the Tarot Cards

Romance in the Tarot Cards

Romance. Relationships. Love. These are the main topics of at least 90% of the readings I do for my clients. On the occasion of Valentines Day, lets have a look at the different cards in the Tarot deck that talk about romance in the Tarot Cards.


3 of Swords

3 of Swords

The 3 of Swords is yet another scary looking Tarot card. And yes, when it does pop up in a reading, I don’t even have to explain what it is all about to my clients – they just know! In this case, the picture does speak a thousand words!


10 of Swords

10 of Swords

The 10 of Swords card is among the various scary looking Tarot cards from the Minor Arcana. Just looking at it brings about a whole lot of pain and anguish. And when clients see it pop up in their readings, they often feel scared too.


The Devil Card

The Devil Card

The Devil card is yet another card that tends to scare people whenever they see it pop up in a Tarot card. Some people might find the image on the card scary, while some may feel its implications to be very frightening. However, the Devil card is neither evil nor frightening.

So what does the Devil card really stand for? Lets have a look.
