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Archetypes and Tarot

Archetypes and Tarot

In many different posts on this blog, we’ve had a look at the concept of Archetypes. There are many different archetypes present in our Tarot card deck.

I have been thinking of writing a series of posts about these different archetypes. But before we dive right into the pool, lets take a deeper look at the concept of Archetypes, and how they relate to the images on our Tarot card deck.


The Power To Say ‘No’

The Power To Say ‘No’

As Tarot card readers, we read the cards for people who come to us for readings. And yet, there are those times when we just don’t want to read for a particular person.

There is a nagging feeling, an inner sense, call it your intuition, but something inside of us just tells us not to read for a particular person.

What do we do then? Can we say ‘No’ to such a person?

And the answer is ‘Yes! You can say No to such a person.’

Today, lets talk about this wonderful power you have as a Tarot card reader to say ‘No’.


Entering A Tarot Card – A Meditation Exercise

Entering A Tarot Card – A Meditation Exercise

This is the last article in my series about ‘Connecting with your Tarot cards’. In this article, we are going to look at a very intense and interesting exercise technique where we enter a Tarot card.

This is yet another exercise that will really connect you to your Tarot cards on a very deep level.

This exercise will help you completely immerse yourself into the image of the card, and help you communicate with your inner energies that are a reflection of this card.

So, lets go ahead and find out how to get this exercise going.


Assign Meanings To Tarot Cards

Assign Meanings To Tarot Cards

Meanings for the Tarot cards are often derived from the pictures on the cards. Understanding of these pictures depends upon your understanding of the picture by itself, and of the different symbols (if any) present within the image. Many a times, all these things interact with each other to bring about the meaning of a card. Thus, it is evident that the meanings of these Tarot cards are also largely based on our perception of the image.

However, it is due to this inherent flexibility within our perceptions that it is possible to assign a particular meaning to a card. Of course, it follows that this assignment has to be logical. Let us look at how these things come about.
