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How To Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Card Reading

How To Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Card Reading

Reading Tarot cards for friends, family members, strangers and even yourself, is a process in itself. However, once you get going, one of the things you begin to wonder about is how to increase the accuracy of your Tarot card reading.

While there isn’t a quick-fix method to increase the accuracy of your Tarot card reading, there are some ways (its a process really) in which you can slowly, but surely, get to that point.


Repeating Cards In A Tarot Reading

Repeating Cards In A Tarot Reading

Repeating cards in a Tarot card reading are quite an interesting and common occurrence. During the course of a single Tarot card reading, the Tarot reader often ends up doing several spreads to answer the different questions that the client might have. And a card or two (or sometimes three) can often pop up repeatedly across those spreads.

Today, lets find out about the significance and meaning of these repeating cards in a Tarot card reading.


What You Can Learn From A Tarot Card Reading

What You Can Learn From A Tarot Card Reading

There are many different things that you can learn from a Tarot card reading. Often taken lightly or as a joke, a Tarot card reading, when done properly, can serve as a very useful tool for helping one plan ahead, consider various options and get a lot of information about a situation or a question one is facing.

In today’s post, I am going to highlight some of the important things that one can learn from a Tarot card reading.


The Power To Say ‘No’

The Power To Say ‘No’

As Tarot card readers, we read the cards for people who come to us for readings. And yet, there are those times when we just don’t want to read for a particular person.

There is a nagging feeling, an inner sense, call it your intuition, but something inside of us just tells us not to read for a particular person.

What do we do then? Can we say ‘No’ to such a person?

And the answer is ‘Yes! You can say No to such a person.’

Today, lets talk about this wonderful power you have as a Tarot card reader to say ‘No’.


When Clients Don’t Believe Your Tarot Card Reading

When Clients Don’t Believe Your Tarot Card Reading

As Tarot card readers, all of us, at some point of time or the other, might have gone through a situation when your client doesn’t believe in your Tarot card reading.

As a Tarot card reader, you know you have done the best you could in that reading, and told the client the stuff you saw in the reading. And yet, the client refuses to believe you.

How do you handle such situations?

Today, lets talk about such scenarios, their causes and how you can go about handling a situation when a client doesn’t believe your Tarot card reading.


How To Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Card Reading

How Frequently Should You Get A Tarot Card Reading?

When I read Tarot cards for my clients, many of them often ask me how frequently they should get their cards read. Especially because many of them want to know about how things are shaping up, or how things will happen once they have had their readings.

And I always tell them to wait a while before getting another reading done. In fact, I always advise people not to do their entire reading too frequently.

Many have asked me why I say that. My answer for their question depends on several factors.

In today’s blog post I will try to explain my ‘logic’ for all those answers. 🙂


Do Tarot Card Readings Really Work?

Every time I tell someone I am a Tarot card reader, the first question that they ask me is: “Do Tarot card readings really work?”

While this question does bring a lot of snarky, smart-alec-y answers to my mind, I normally try to explain some things to these people. I thought I might just share my thoughts over here…


Reading Tarot Cards for Total Strangers

As a professional Tarot card reader, I often end up reading Tarot cards for total strangers. And I am not ashamed to admit that these are the kind of readings I like to do best.

I find it somehow simpler to read Tarot cards compared to either reading for myself or for friends and relatives.

Lets talk about why it is easier to read Tarot cards for total strangers.
