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Tarot For Your Self By Mary K. Greer

Tarot For Your Self By Mary K. Greer

Whether you are well versed with the use of Tarot cards, or whether you are just starting out with them, many of us (yours truly included) start out with the intention of being able to read for themselves. And then we find ourselves in a weird position: reading the Tarot for other people suddenly looks very easy compared to reading for oneself!

It was during such a time of utter weirdness that I discovered the book Tarot For Yourself written by Mary K. Greer.


Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack

Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack

When you are looking for a good book that will help you to learn Tarot, Rachel Pollack’s Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom is the best and most fantastic book that you can ever find! Rachel Pollack is one of the world’s foremost Tarotists and she writes beautifully (naturally, since she is also an acclaimed writer!). I happened to stumble onto this book during my early days of learning Tarot, and have never regretted purchasing it.

Let’s have a quick look at what the book is all about.
