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Tarot Court Cards – The Queens

Tarot Court Cards – The Queens

In the Court Card hierarchy, the Queens are the next step, preceded by the Knights and the Pages. The Queens represent someone who has now matured and added a healthy dose of understanding, and feminine energies of nurturing and caring to the actions that were taken.

Essentially, in the stage of the Page, the ideas were conceived, and those ideas were acted upon in the Knight stage. But now, in the Queen stage, those actions are nurtured, cared for and developed further into a sustainable scenario.

Let’s look at the different Queens in our Tarot card deck.


Tarot Court Cards – The Knights

Tarot Court Cards – The Knights

In the hierarchy of the Court Cards, the Knights come up right after the Pages. These Knights represent someone who has now matured from the child-like state of initial personality development (ie a Page), and is now a more action-oriented person. Whatever ideas and concepts took root in the Page stage are now acted upon in the Knight stage.

Let’s get to know the Knights of our Tarot Court on a much deeper level.


Tarot Court Cards – The Pages

Tarot Court Cards – The Pages

In the hierarchy of the Tarot Court Cards, the Pages are the youngest in line. In many Tarot card decks, the Pages are also called Princesses. Pages often represent the very beginning of the development of the personality, and have a child-like quality about them. The energy of the Pages is often very child-like, young / immature, and feminine.

Today, lets get to know the different Pages in our Tarot card deck.


Understanding The Court Cards

Understanding The Court Cards

Court Cards are often perceived as very difficult to understand. Especially when you are learning the Tarot, understanding the meaning and essence of a Court Card can prove to be very difficult. I can tell from personal experience that getting to know what a Court Card stands for in a reading, or understanding the meaning of the different Court Cards in a spread is often quite difficult to interpret. However, over a period of time, the very same Court Cards become friends and allies in a reading. ?

This is an introductory post in a series of articles where I am going to talk about the Court Cards in the Tarot card deck. So, lets begin!


Entering A Tarot Card – A Meditation Exercise

Entering A Tarot Card – A Meditation Exercise

This is the last article in my series about ‘Connecting with your Tarot cards’. In this article, we are going to look at a very intense and interesting exercise technique where we enter a Tarot card.

This is yet another exercise that will really connect you to your Tarot cards on a very deep level.

This exercise will help you completely immerse yourself into the image of the card, and help you communicate with your inner energies that are a reflection of this card.

So, lets go ahead and find out how to get this exercise going.


Storytelling With Your Tarot Cards

Storytelling With Your Tarot Cards

This is the third article in my series ‘Connecting with your Tarot cards’, where we talk about telling stories with your Tarot cards.

Storytelling by itself is not something new or strange for Tarot card readers. Every reading by itself is a story for the reader to tell – especially when the person you are reading for is a complete stranger.

However, in the learning process, or when you are trying to connect with your Tarot cards in the first place, this storytelling exercise can not only enhance your reading skills, but will also help you connect with the cards on a much deeper level.


Journaling With Your Tarot Cards

Journaling With Your Tarot Cards

This series of articles was inspired by an interesting conversation I had with Krissy over here. Thanks Krissy! 🙂 Here is the first article in the series: ‘Connecting With Your Tarot Cards’.

Connecting with your Tarot card deck can often seem like a very difficult task, especially if it is your very first Tarot card deck. But this can even happen to experienced Tarot card readers who are trying to connect with a new Tarot card deck.

In this post, I am going to talk about the method that I like the best: Journaling.


Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack

Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack

When you are looking for a good book that will help you to learn Tarot, Rachel Pollack’s Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom is the best and most fantastic book that you can ever find! Rachel Pollack is one of the world’s foremost Tarotists and she writes beautifully (naturally, since she is also an acclaimed writer!). I happened to stumble onto this book during my early days of learning Tarot, and have never regretted purchasing it.

Let’s have a quick look at what the book is all about.


Assign Meanings To Tarot Cards

Assign Meanings To Tarot Cards

Meanings for the Tarot cards are often derived from the pictures on the cards. Understanding of these pictures depends upon your understanding of the picture by itself, and of the different symbols (if any) present within the image. Many a times, all these things interact with each other to bring about the meaning of a card. Thus, it is evident that the meanings of these Tarot cards are also largely based on our perception of the image.

However, it is due to this inherent flexibility within our perceptions that it is possible to assign a particular meaning to a card. Of course, it follows that this assignment has to be logical. Let us look at how these things come about.
