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Past Life and Karmic Tarot by Edain McCoy

Past Life and Karmic Tarot by Edain McCoy

The book Past Life and Karmic Tarot by Edain McCoy is part of the ‘Special Topics in Tarot’ series of books published by Llewellyn. Many among us who believe in the concept of reincarnation and past life, want to explore the different past lives that we have led, and understand the various Karmic lessons that we are meant to learn in this lifetime. Using the Tarot cards to do readings to gain this kind of insight is a great idea.


Professional Tarot by Christine Jette

Professional Tarot by Christine Jette

When you decide to launch your career as a professional Tarot card reader, one great resource you can turn to is the book Professional Tarot by Christine Jette. I have personally found this book to be a very valuable guide in ‘The Business of Reading, Consulting and Teaching’ (as the book’s title states) in the field of Tarot.

Christine Jette (pronounced ‘Jetty’) has authored several books about Tarot, but two of her books, namely, ‘Professional Tarot’ and ‘Tarot Shadow Work’ have their place of pride in my Tarot library. Christine is a registered nurse, and has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology.


How Frequently Should You Get A Tarot Card Reading?

How Frequently Should You Get A Tarot Card Reading?

When I read Tarot cards for my clients, many of them often ask me how frequently they should get their cards read. Especially because many of them want to know about how things are shaping up, or how things will happen once they have had their readings.

And I always tell them to wait a while before getting another reading done. In fact, I always advise people not to do their entire reading too frequently.

Many have asked me why I say that. My answer for their question depends on several factors.

In today’s blog post I will try to explain my ‘logic’ for all those answers. 🙂


Reading Tarot Cards for Total Strangers

As a professional Tarot card reader, I often end up reading Tarot cards for total strangers. And I am not ashamed to admit that these are the kind of readings I like to do best.

I find it somehow simpler to read Tarot cards compared to either reading for myself or for friends and relatives.

Lets talk about why it is easier to read Tarot cards for total strangers.


Reading Tarot Cards For Your Friends and Relatives

As you start reading Tarot cards, it is very natural that you start with your reading for your friends and relatives. Since you are close to them, reading for your friends and relatives (especially when you start out) can provide a supportive environment for you to hone your Tarot card reading skills.

However, it is just this closeness that can often cause doubts to spring up in your mind. Today, lets talk about the different issues that can crop up while reading Tarot cards for your friends and relatives, and how you can handle such scenarios.
