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As Tarot card readers, we read the cards for people who come to us for readings. And yet, there are those times when we just don’t want to read for a particular person.

There is a nagging feeling, an inner sense, call it your intuition, but something inside of us just tells us not to read for a particular person.

What do we do then? Can we say ‘No’ to such a person?

And the answer is ‘Yes! You can say No to such a person.’

Today, lets talk about this wonderful power you have as a Tarot card reader to say ‘No’.

As we go ahead in our lives as Tarot card readers, and the more we read for other people, something inside of us changes. It is a subtle process, but yes, over a period of time, we do notice these changes and are often surprised by them.

IntuitionI know I was!

I discovered that I had grown more trusting of my intuitions, and that the more I trusted and believed them, the more accurate they became.

I also discovered that I could not see things in a limited world-view any more. I had had a massive perspective change within me. After consulting clients for a variety of questions and issues, I realized how I could make my life a better place and simplify my existence and help the flow of positive energy get stronger in my life.

And that is when I learnt about the Power of Choice.

The Power of Choice

2 of swordsI believe that the most powerful thing in the Universe is the power of choice. Many also call it Free Will. Some call it ‘having Options’. Either way, this power to choose something over the other is the most powerful thing ever.

This power, this position, where you have options, is something that can give you a lot of control over how you lead your life, and where you want to take it.


As Tarot card readers, we are slightly more open to the messages from the Universe. That is because we are more in sync with the way the Universe talks to us via our feelings, senses, and emotions – our intuitions.

The more time one spends with the cards, the more one becomes attuned to such messages.

And our intuitions are our best guides in the world! They warn us and tell us if we are to expect trouble. They guide us when we are lost and don’t know how to proceed. These intuitions are very, very useful and reliable. And the more we trust ‘em, the more accurate they get!

Some People Are Not For Us To Read For

Which is why, when some people walk in / call for a reading, I often sense right away if I am meant to read for this person or not. Just a phone call will often tell me if the person is someone I will do a reading for or not.

And of course, my intuition will also tell me if I am supposed to read for this person or not.


Well, I get this really weird, bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. That’s it. That is how the Universe tells me if I am not meant to be reading for this particular person. And I believe this feeling from the bottom of my heart and mind.

Of Course I Tested It!

Naturally, I had to test it! And test it I did! Over several different times, to be honest! A few incidences do stand out in my mind. I am going to share them with you here.


calling to change appointmentOnce, I got a phone call from someone wanting to get a reading from me. And I had this very nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach. As we spoke, this person made an appointment for the next day. And the feeling just grew worse. I hung up and didn’t bother to think about it. The next day, this person didn’t bother to show up for the appointment. Normally, I don’t call such people, and I just wait for 20 minutes and then move on. The next day, this person calls back again, apologizes and makes another appointment. And doesn’t show up. This happened 3 times. And each time, I had that nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach. Finally, when she called me the 4th time, I just told her that perhaps it wasn’t meant to be. And that if she did actually want to have a reading, she should perhaps try going to some other Tarot card reader.


complainerOnce a lady called me up to ask about a reading. When I told her my reading method and my fees etc., she started to argue with me and wanted me to reduce my fees. Back then I was new, and just starting out. I didn’t know how to handle such situations. I ignored the very nasty feeling in my stomach, and asked her to come by for the reading and not worry about the fees. I told her that she could pay me whatever she felt comfortable with. The lady came and started complaining about everything – the drive to my place, the traffic, the roads, the weather, and the proceeded to complain about my home, my furniture… pretty much everything and anything she saw, she complained about it. Eventually, just as we were getting ready to sit down for the reading, she got a phone call on her cell. She spoke for at least 15 minutes. And then, as we got ready yet again, my phone rang. When I spoke for a minute or so to tell my friend that I would call her back, she began to complain about how I was wasting her time with my phone calls.

Finally, I had had it! I just told her to leave. Of course, she complained, but eventually she left.

Listen, Accept, Choose

These are just a couple of examples. I tested this theory till all of my arguments were exhausted. I simply realized that had I listed to my gut feeling and told these clients that I couldn’t read for them, I would have saved myself (and even them) a whole bunch of time!

So now, whenever my intuition gives me that nasty feeling, I know that I am not supposed to read for this person – and then I politely tell them that I can’t do their reading, and that they can go somewhere else.

Your intuition is telling you something very important. Always listen to it and accept it. Choose to say ‘No’ when you aren’t comfortable reading for someone. Your intuition is always going to take care of you – always!

Your Turn…

What about you? Have you had such experiences where your intuition has told you not to read for someone? Have you tested these feelings for yourself? What were your experiences? Please, do share your thoughts in the comments section below.